Anger is at its peak in early adulthood but then begins a long, gradual decline. 成年早期的愤怒情绪最多,然后开始一个漫长的下降过程。
Gradual decline, progress, etc 逐渐的衰落、进步等
The global economy, already beset by financial market turmoil and slowing US growth, is now confronted by the risk that the gradual decline of the US dollar could run out of control. 全球经济已经因为金融市场振荡和美国经济增长减缓而不安,现在又面临着美元逐渐下跌导致全球经济可能会失去控制的风险。
This novel, though the disillusionment of the ideal dream which the character Gatsby has been seeking for, reveals the gradual decline of American dream that Gatsby stand for. 通过主人公盖茨比所追求的理想之梦的破灭,揭示了他所代表的美国梦的逐步衰败。
Along with the air temperature gradual decline, the res of favour that become dicast of the caloric, hot provisions, the chafing dish is also the frequent caller on the dinner table of people. 随着气温逐渐下降,热、辣食品顿成市民的喜爱之物,火锅更是人们餐桌上的常客。
Ding in the Northern Song Dynasty "Jingkang Change", Due to successive years Bingzai gradual decline and abandonment. 定窑在北宋末年“靖康之变”后,由于连年兵灾,逐渐衰落和废弃。
Around 1900 BC, signs of a gradual decline begin to emerge. 大约在公元前1900年左右,开始出现衰落的迹象。
This is the beginning of a gradual decline that is in all too many of us will culminate the full-blown dementia. 这只是在我们很多人达到全面痴呆前的一个循序渐进衰退的开始。
A gradual decline ( in size or strength or power or number). 逐渐下降(在大小、实力、力量或数量等方面)。
I pointed out that England peaked in 1912 and life in the UK was still quite pleasant so I was not too worried about my own country having begun a gradual decline. 我指出,英国在1912年达到了峰值水平,而英国的生活仍然十分舒适,因此我对自己的国家已开始逐渐陷入衰退并不是太担心。
This first phase of deficit reduction should work towards a gradual decline in the debt/ GDP ratio, not just stabilising it at a relatively high level that will inevitably ratchet up. 这个削减赤字的第一阶段计划,应该争取实现债务与gdp比例的逐步下降,而不仅仅是稳定在最终必然会逐步上升的相对较高的水平上。
However, in the last 1990s, with the slow pace of development of township enterprises, the ability to absorb surplus rural labor is in a gradual decline. 但是,到了上个世纪90年代,随着乡镇企业发展步伐的减缓,其吸收农村剩余劳动力的能力在逐渐减弱。
Intravenous injections of P, BD-37 and G in anaesthetized rats and cats brought about a transient lowering of blood pressure, followed by a rise and then a gradual decline, whereas BD-31 and BD-38 produced only a hypotension. 麻醉大白鼠和猫静脉注射胍乙啶、胍乙哌啶和BD-37出现血压短暂下降继而升压,然后再下降,而BD-38和BD-31仅有降压作用。
With the rapid penetration of globalization on social, cultural, economic, the worldwide cultural convergence is a serious threat to the traditional value of regional culture inheritance, regional and cultural characteristics of the gradual decline and even extinction. 随着全球化对社会、文化、经济的快速渗透,世界范围内的文化趋同严重威胁着地域文化遗存的传统价值,文化的地域性和特色性逐渐削弱甚至消亡。
Overall, the insurance industry in Chongqing during the war experienced a gradual decline from the boom to the process, after the Japanese surrender, the center of the insurance industry has moved to Shanghai. 总体来说抗战时期重庆的保险业经历了从繁荣到逐渐衰退的过程,在日本投降以后,保险业的中心又转移到了上海。
The results show that the listed company after the completion of share reform, which showed a gradual decline in agency costs; ownership concentration the rise; equity degree of checks and balances decreased; upward trend in the proportion of institutional ownership. 结果表明上市公司在完成股权分置改革以后,其代理成本呈逐步下降的趋势;股权集中度呈上升趋势;股权制衡度呈下降趋势;机构持股比例呈上升趋势。
Qing Dynasty, accompanied by the rise of new schools, the gradual decline of the traditional college, quit the stage of history. 清朝末年,伴随新式学堂的兴起,传统书院逐渐衰落,退出了历史的舞台。
Therefore, the traditional home of cotton textile industry in its peak, in the foreign and domestic cotton yarn cotton textiles mechanism under the impact of the gradual decline, until finally quit the stage of history. 因此,这种传统的家庭棉纺织业在达到顶峰后,在外来棉纺织品和国内机制棉纱棉布的冲击下渐趋衰落,直至最终退出历史的舞台。
Spring and Autumn Period in the war, "salute", clear transitional characteristics, while retaining some of the Western Zhou Dynasty, when a military salute the form and spirit of a gradual decline. 春秋时期战争中的军礼,具有明显的过渡性特征,在保留西周时军礼的部分形式和精神下逐渐衰落。
In theory, this section discuss the tightening of monetary policy would have found a negative output and price effects, the output effects of monetary policy faster than the price effect, but both continuing a gradual decline over time eliminate. 在理论上,分析了紧缩货币政策具有负的产出和价格效应,货币政策的产出效应快于价格效应,而且两者均在持续一段时间后均会逐渐衰减。
Blind development made by and tourism companies construction activities, and local residents improper business activities by some local governments, directly led to the gradual decline of tourism and cultural resources, and exacerbate the so-called rural tourism, "fast food" phenomenon. 一些地方政府和旅游企业急功近利盲目开发建设活动和当地居民不当的旅游经营活动,直接导致了旅游文化资源的逐渐衰微,并加剧了所谓的乡村旅游快餐化现象。
Aging refers to the body, after a gradual decline in physiological function, degenerative changes in tissues and organs and, ultimately, the inevitable dying process. 衰老指机体发育成熟后,生理功能逐渐下降,组织和器官发生退行性改变,并最终走向死亡的不可避免的过程。
In recent years, with the gradual improvement of the financial market and the intensified competitive environment the bank sector has made a gradual decline in the results. 近年来,随着金融市场的逐步完善和愈演愈烈的竞争环境,使得银行业的效益逐渐下滑。
In the elderly because of the gradual decline in basal metabolic rate, coupled with women, served as the tedious chores, so that not enough time to exercise, obesity, a troubled middle-aged women as a major problem. 由于中老年人的基础代谢率逐渐下降,加之女性又担任着繁琐的家务事,使之没有足够多的时间进行锻炼,肥胖成为为困扰中老年女性的一大问题。
As an urban and architectural character of the local culture is facing the danger of gradual decline and demise. 关中民居做为中国西北地区特色建筑有着辉煌的历史,但作为现代地域文化中的城市和建筑面临着逐渐衰落和消亡的危险。
But it is a pity that typical character report falls in the dilemma and has been a gradual decline. 可惜的是,肩负重任的典型人物报道在近些年也陷入了逐渐式微的困境中。
Landscape regeneration of industry heritage appeared with the increasingly serious environmental problems and the gradual decline of traditional industries. 工业遗存景观再生是随着环境问题的日益严重和传统工业的逐渐衰落而出现的,20世纪60-70年代在欧美发达国家已逐渐兴起并己成功实践。